Monday, February 11, 2013


Carnavale is a big deal here. It started the 1st of February, and will finish this Tuesday the 13th. Basically its this big time for celebration, eating junk food, dressing up, etc before lent where you have to give it all up...well if your a full on catholic. Like Daniele's parents will only eat fish on Wednesday and also every Friday  I mean yeah that's probably pretty normal for a lot of you. But, I feel like almost no one (unless you live in New Orleans) never really celebrates Mardi Gras....Anyway, that's not important what is important is that its important here. :D Last weekend we went to some random town outside of Este, for their carnival parade. Then yesterday,  I went to Venice with the group from Padova and Wildes. There were SOOOO many people. In the train we were shoulder to shoulder back to back, all the seats were full as well as the hallways of the train. It was crazy sauce  The train arrived in Venice 47 minutes late. I guess because people were making a big deal because they wanted to go but there was no space, or maybe we were too heavy and it went slower...who knows. The actual time in Venice was pretty awesome. I got my face painted, slowly but surly made it to Piazza San Marco where we were there for about 10 minutes. Pretty lame, but there was a train to catch. The day before (Saturday) I went to help Elisa and Giulia out at the church's festa di carnivale, I dressed as Cappucetto Rosso (Little Red Riding Hood). Then we went to Wildes's welcome party!  That's about it...I don't have school today, tomorrow, or Wednesday.

Me and Flora's Host sister Martina in Venice<3